About us
SALUTEM FUND SICAV, a. s., is a fund of qualified investors traded on Prague Stock Exchange.
The fund’s portfolio consists of real estate companies that focus on profitable real estates, both in industrial properties and residential real estate. The fund’s founders emphasize significant diversification in terms of the type of real estate and geographical location when selecting individual properties.
The minimum yield of 6 % p. a.
Example of the minimum return of our investors’ investments with an initial investment of CZK 1 million.
The guarantee of the minimum return on preferred investment shares is 6% p. a., even in the event of a lower profit or even loss of the fund. The guarantee is a form of redistribution of fund capital from holders of performance investment shares (fund founders) in favour of holders of priority investment shares (external investors), up to the amount of this fund capital, which falls on performance investment shares.
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3 reasons for your investment
Why invest with Salutem Fund?
The minimum yield of 6% p. a.
We guarantee investors a minimum yield of 6% p. a., even in the event of a lower profit or even a loss of the fund. The guarantee is a form of redistribution of fund capital from holders of performance investment shares in favour of holders of priority investment shares, up to the amount of fund capital. In practical terms, this means that the return of the external investor is covered by the founders with equity.
Real estate selection by an experienced team
For our portfolio, we select real estate with the help of our own real estate team which benefits from more than 20 years of experience in the real estate market. It is headed by one of the founders of the fund. We primarily focus on regions outside large cities, where we find more interesting opportunities to increase investment performance. We select those with the highest potential for the portfolio, and we prepare an analysis of economic profitability for each investment plan. The strictest evaluators are the founders themselves, because they cover the fund’s minimum yield with equity.
Quality assurance of the fund
When Salutem Fund was listed on the Prague Stock Exchange, the level of control and regulation of the fund has further increased. The listing establishes the obligation of regular reporting to the Exchange, half-yearly reports and a more comprehensive annual report. The shares of our investors are registered directly with the Central Securities Depository. The activities of the fund are supervised by the Czech National Bank. The fund is managed by TILLER investiční společnost a.s. The depositary is Československá obchodní banka, a.s. The fund’s auditor is NEXIA AP a.s.
Development of fund value
Priority investment shares
Salutem Fund issues two types of shares: preference shares for external investors and performance shares for founders.
The founders use the entire amount of their fund capital, which falls on their performance shares, to guarantee a minimum return of 6% p.a. The guarantee is guarded by an investment company which is licensed by the Czech National Bank. The guarantee mechanism was also assessed and confirmed in a review by Ernst & Young, s.r.o.